Compliance and Inspection
Report an Environmental Complaint
DEM's Office of Compliance and Inspection (OC&I) investigates complaints and suspected violations of environmental laws and regulations and performs compliance monitoring of regulated activities. Compliance with environmental laws, rules, regulations, permits, and licenses is enforced through both informal and formal enforcement actions. Note: Complaints are public records and information you forward to OC&I will be available for public review UNLESS you advise us that you wish to remain anonymous.
Report via Email
During business hours (weekdays, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM): 401-222-1360
After-hours emergency: 401-222-3070
The OC&I is responsible for the regulatory enforcement activities related to Air, Waste, and Water. The OC&I investigates complaints and suspected violations of environmental laws and regulations and performs compliance monitoring of regulated activities. The OC&I coordinates with other DEM divisions and offices regarding their compliance monitoring of regulated, permitted or licensed activities and facilities. Compliance with environmental laws, rules, regulations, permits and licenses is enforced through both informal and formal enforcement actions. Formal enforcement includes orders and assessment of penalties that are subject to appeal and enforceable through the courts.
The OC&I has eight internal programs to carry out the functions and responsibilities assigned as listed below:
- Air Pollution- This program investigates citizen complaints and referrals from DEM divisions and offices relating to visible emissions, odors, fugitive dust and exterior lead paint removal and performs compliance monitoring of exterior lead paint removal activities and businesses/facilities with a history of noncompliance.
- Dam Safety- This program investigates citizen complaints relating to, and performs compliance monitoring inspections of, dams whose failure could cause loss of life or significant property damage.
- Freshwater Wetlands- This program investigates citizen complaints and referrals from DEM divisions and offices relating to freshwater wetlands.
- Onsite Wastewater Treatment Disposal- This program investigates citizen complaints and referrals from DEM divisions and offices relating to onsite wastewater treatment disposal (septic systems or cesspools).
- Hazardous Waste- This program investigates citizen complaints and referrals from DEM divisions and offices relating to hazardous waste and performs compliance monitoring of hazardous waste generators.
- Medical & Solid Waste- This program investigates citizen complaints and referrals from DEM relating to medical waste and solid waste and performs compliance monitoring of medical waste generators.
- Underground Storage Tanks- This program investigates citizen complaints and referrals from DEM divisions and offices relating to underground storage tanks and performs compliance monitoring of underground storage tanks.
- Water Pollution- This program investigates complaints and referrals from DEM divisions and offices relating to surface water and groundwater and performs compliance monitoring of construction projects involving stormwater runoff.